Tuesday, August 10, 2010

3 months and counting...

Well, quite a bit has gone on since my last post, so hopefully I can remember to include it all. First off let's start with the family.
Hutch is working like crazy to get sealcoat jobs this summer and he has been successful by getting a couple of apartment buildings to do. He also has 3 churches in I.F. and some driveways, so things are going pretty good. He finished his summer semester passing all of his classes and now is just enjoying the time away from education. His men's softball team has been doing really well and is the #1 seed in the league. They have gone to a few tournaments, each turning out to be not worth their while. At one of these tournaments Hutch was running to first base and stretched trying to beat the ball and landed on the base wierd and twisted his knee. He has been having pain ever since (3 weeks) and after a doctor's visit and xrays and an oncologist visit and more xrays, they say it's probably just a bruised miniscus. So he is done for the season because he wants to be all healed up and ready for football season coming up.
Elise is just spending her days bein a mommy and taking care of Talon. She recently bought a jogging stroller in hopes that it will help to get off that unwanted baby fat still stickin around. She has recently also experienced a death in the family with her grandpa ott passing away July 29. She scrambled to get plans together and fly out to Iowa with Talon for the funeral. It was a great service that was more of a celebration of life than mourning for a loved one. Grandpa Dale was suffering from degenerative heart disease and after a quadruple bypass, it was time to go. He will be sorely missed. So after the funeral she got to spend the week in Iowa with her family only to drive home with her dad and Talon on a 20 hour car ride. Talon did all right, but still, traveling with a 3 month old is not the easiest. So now she is staying in Utah for the week helping out her parents and destressing from life and missing Hutch terribly. She also had the opportunity to interview for a job up on campus. It is to be a student secretary for the office of some the VPs. So excited. The main secretary who interviewed her said it would take about a week to make the decision, but later that day she called Elise and offered her the job. The extra income will definitely help this winter with school and bills and Hutch not working.
Talon is growing like a weed. At his 2 month checkup they measured his weight, height and head and compared it to the average of kids his age. He was 12 lbs, average for the age, 24 inches long - in the 74th percentile, so a little tall and his head was in the 96th percentile, which is absolutely huge! So I got a pretty smart little boy on my hands who's head gets in the way of everything. He is devolping really well with his eye hand coordination and motorskills. He is just a happy boy all of the time and is now learning to giggle. He has mastered the rolling over from front to back and does it with ease, and when he gets mad enough he can roll over from his back to his front - so he is getting to be a strong boy. We are workin on babywise and making him learn to self-soothe by letting him cry when it is time to go to sleep. It is tough to hear the little guy cry, but hopefully it works to getting him on a good schedule and in a position that his dad can take care of him while mom is relaxing.
Life is just great and we are having a good time enjoying the summer weather. And we just heard that one of our good friends Aubrey and Jon Revo are expecting, so Talon will have either a best friend or a girl friend here in the coming months-congrats! I think I have mentioned everything, but I'm sure I forgot something. Life is great and the days are long, makes for a happy time.


  1. Same thing happened to me with the knee thing, I was told that x-rays can't pick up on the darn things, it's an MRI they need to do to check it out, I'm surprised the Dr. didn't know that(mine didn't either so it's weird), but my advice to him is get it checked out mine happened over 7 years ago playing soccer and to this day it gives me problems. I was told to get it fixed with surgery so it it's torn they may have to shave a bit off, good luck!

  2. Hey Elise! It's been so long, I was happy to find your blog :) Thanks for listing my recipe blog on here! that was sweet. Your new boy is so darling. I bet you are a great mom!
