I always thought that peer pressure was for Jr. High and High school. Well, it turns out, everyone experiences it.
College - Going to parties and dating
Newly Married - Babies
Mid-life - Keeping up with the Jonses
Retired - What protective underwear (Depends) to use
In our LDS culture we are encourage to go forth and multiply if you are healthy and financially able - which I have noticed is about every 2 years. Yes, there are a few exceptions out there. But I'm just talking about my observations. With friends who are pregnant or are planning on getting pregnant soon and have kids Talon's age - I'm really feeling the pressure.
It doesn't help that I kind of feel guilty that I probably should be planning on another one. I have had this thought in my mind for about a month now. It eventually went away a couple weeks ago and the Lord blessed me with dreams every night for a week of my future children. I was totally fine with having just one, but then the the little voice whispers in my head, "What we want isn't always what the Lord wants for us." Great. I get it. But I kinda wanted to wait until I felt ready to have another. Nope. Now I have friends dreaming for me that I was pregnant and having more kids. And no, I didn't tell them about anything I've been experiencing. And it doesn't help that my husband has been having the same feelings. And we won't even mention that it's coming from both sides of the family too.
Yes, I understand. It will happen. I'm not saying I'm pregnant. But if you can guarantee me that I will have another boy, then I will be prego by the end of the month. Unless, God wants me to have a Mary experience and have it happen before then. We'll see.
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