Sunday, April 24, 2011

Spring! Really?!

Honestly, I don't know whether to trust this weather we are having or just expect it to snow tomorrow. It has been warm the past two days, and I really want it to be spring. But will Rexburg really let it happen? I sure hope so. We love being outside and I don't know how we made it through the winter.

Today we went to Hutch's parent's house for Easter and it is always fun to get all of the family together. There is always a feast and we leave satisfied and ready for a new week. I know I'm not the only one that likes hanging out with his parents. Talon absolutely adores them. When I started school last fall Julie watched talon everyday so she became kind of a second mom to him - or one of the best grandmas :)
We had an easter egg hunt with the little people first and Talon dominated. Of course he had mom and dad to guide him to the eggs, but he knew what he had to do. Pick up the egg, shake it to see if anything is good inside, put in the basket. Repeat. And then when the bigger kids did their hunt we hung out on the grass stealing eggs and soakin up the sun. The pictures are above, and no, Talon is not drinking the Dew. He knows what to do with the can, but it is not open.

So it turns out I didn't graduate. I needed a certain grade in one of my classes in order to graduate. I was off by one percent. ONE PERCENT! I asked my teacher if there was anything I could do to just bump up that percent because that was the only class that was holding me back - I passed all of my other classes - and she said: I had my grades available all semester to view (which I didn't) and she had all ready submitted the grade and it couldn't be changed. Which I know for a fact that it could be changed - I worked for the Academic Office on campus, we dealt with this stuff. So, now I have to talk to my advising office to get my High credit limit hold off of my account so I can register for a class that is all ready full because the semester started a week ago. Thanks teacher. We will see where it goes from here. I will admit I should have worked a little harder last semester, but it is really hard to take 18 credits, work and be able to take care of my family all the while moving in the middle of the semester. I dunno, I think I did pretty good for passing my classes. At least it's just one class and not a whole semester. Life is good. The Lord doesn't give me anything I can't handle. And I guess I'm supposed to stay at BYU-I for another semester. I need a break. Anyone want to babysit an awesome 1 year old for a weekend?


  1. I cannot believe that Talon is 1 already! That went fast! And I am sorry about that class. I know the feeling with some of my tests and having to "remediate" with my teachers to make sure I will pass my boards in December. I know you can do it. Good luck!

  2. ELISE! Where have you been all my life?!?! I miss you tons! I am so sorry about school. That is so rough. There is a reason for it tho! Hopefully it will all work out! We will need to go on walks this summer and let the children play while we talk!
